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Breast Massage After Implant and Explant Plastic Surgery class
Class Introduction
Course Description
What is Massage?
What to expect in this course (11:17)
Why do clients get breast implant related surgery? (4:32)
Why do clients benefit from massage after breast implant / explant surgery?
Massage can reduce anxiety before and after surgery
Massage can reduce pain after breast surgery
Bottom Line
Breast Implant Surgery?
What is Breast Implant Surgery? (5:05)
What are breast implants?
Complications of breast implant surgery
What happens in breast implant surgery?
Animation Deformities
Bottom line
Breast Augmentation - Cosmetic
Why do people get breast implants for cosmetic reasons?
Complications - hematoma, seroma, calcium deposit
What do people get breast implant replacement for cosmetic reasons?
Capsular Contracture (5:38)
Capsular Contracture and Mast Cells
Capsular Contracture and Silicone
Capsular Contracture, Implant Placement and Biofilm
A surgeon’s perspective on capsular contracture and CC rating system
Capsular Contracture Treatments
Implant Rupture
Bottoming Out / Double Bubble
Moving breast implant placement from subglandular to submuscular
Slide Down Deformity and Waterfall Deformity
Breast implant surgery after massive weight loss
Breast lift with breast implant
What complications are seen in each of the different types of mastopexy?
Bottom Line
Breast Reconstruction after Cancer
Why do people have reconstructive surgery after breast cancer?
Mastectomy & Reconstruction
Acellular Dermal Matrix (ADM) Products
Wound Healing and Complications
Radiation, Neurotoxin and Capsular Contracture
Complications of breast reconstruction using liposuction and fat transfer to the breast
Bottom Line
Gender Affirming Surgery
Gender Affirming Surgery utilizing breast implants
Special Considerations for Transgender and Nonbinary Clients
What is the postoperative protocol?
What other operations can be combined with breast implants?
Bottom Line
Massage after Breast Implant Surgery
Self-Massage Protocols
Sample 30 minute Breast Implant Massage Session
Surgeons’ instructions for breast massage after breast implant
Why do clients book a massage after breast implant surgery? (10:20)
MLD after breast implant related surgery to reduce swelling
MLD after surgery to reduce stress and pain
Pleasant Touch to reduce pain
Surgeon protocol for postoperative massage after breast implant surgery
How to provide a customized massage after breast implant surgery (15:22)
Massage session after surgery vs. typical relaxation massage session
Draping and Positioning (12:02)
Breast Implant Massage Technique Videos and Protocol (24:02)
Stages of Wound Healing
What types of massage are best at each stage of wound healing?
What we may feel during the massage after breast surgery
Contraindications to massage (4:19)
What information are clients receiving in their postoperative visits?
Bottom Line
Breast Implant removal without replacement of implants
Why do people choose explant surgery? (7:43)
What is BII? (5:24)
What is BIA-ALCL and squamous cell carcinoma?
What do people think may be causing BII?
Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA)
Silicone migration and silicone-associated lymphadenopathy
Do some types of implants cause more symptoms than others?
Mast Cells
BII symptoms are similar to those of ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia
Why are people getting breast implant revision surgery?
Bottom Line
Implant removal related breast surgery
What are the different types of implant removal related surgeries?
What are some complications of just removing breast implants without any other procedure?
Explant and breast lift surgery / mastopexy
Fat Grafting to the Breast
Bottom Line
How can massage help after explant?
Acquired macromastia and pain with large breast implants
Tissue affected by Breast Implant Illness
Breast Explant Massage Technique Videos (22:37)
Sample 30 minute Breast Explant Massage Session (no fat transfer)
Sample 60 minute Breast Explant Massage Session (no fat transfer)
Reference Images
How might Manual Lymphatic Drainage help?
MLD for removing waste and reducing stress levels
MLD for autoimmune issues
MLD for breast edema
MLD and Effleurage Strokes
MLD - a Surgeon’s Perspective
What else may be helpful for clients?
Wrinkles and dents after breast implant removal
Massage for pain reduction and balancing hormone levels
Scar massage of the surgery incisions
Adhesions (9:41)
Pulling, Stretching and Negative Compression
Massage after fat transfer to the breast
How do clients find out about massage after breast implant related surgery?
Bottom Line
How can we optimize our massage therapy office to help these clients?
Massage room supplies
Positioning on the massage table and cautions
Appointment reminders
Health history form
Medications (4:26)
Topical products, binders and supplements
Autoimmune Disease Medications
Hormone Therapy
Bottom Line
Conclusion (3:24)
More Resources
More Resources
Cited Research
Student Feedback
Student Social Media Accounts
3-2-1 exercise (optional feedback)
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Sample 60 minute Breast Explant Massage Session (no fat transfer)
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