Other Types of Negative Compression
Myofascial Decompression
Often, physical therapists will use the term ‘Myofascial Decompression’ when referring to cupping. This modality combines stationary cupping with joint movement. Myofascial decompression has been used successfully on fibrotic tissue after surgery.
Dermotony / Dermatony / Dermatonia / Endermologie
In the textbook Liposuction Principles and Practice, Pitanguy et al. mention a modality called dermotony, stating that “dermotony (mechanical deep massage) is begun after 10 days, to free fascial adherences and even out small irregularities” (Shiffman and di Giuseppe, 2007 p. 148). A company named Sensavi manufactures a Dermatony machine and states that it uses “suction of the skin as well as its rolling in various directions” (Dermatony, n.d.). Dermatonia is the Portugese term for Vacutherapy (cupping). Endermologie is a technology utilizing vacuum suction that has been shown to improve lymphatic flow (Watson, et al., 1999).
All methods of negative compression mentioned above are different from Traditional Chinese Medicine cupping.