
Thanks for learning about different types of reconstructive surgery after cancer treatment! I hope these resources provide the information you need to have an intelligent conversation with your client and their surgeon on the types of massage that would work best for your client during both recovery and survivorship. 


Massage and Lymphatic Microsurgery are alike in many ways:


  • Both can offer our client a measure of relief from the insults of cancer
  • Both can be less effective or ineffective if not performed by an experienced practitioner
  • Due to misinformation and lack of information, both are sometimes seen as ‘controversial’ 


There is no central list of qualified lymphatic microsurgeons practicing in America, but there is a list of reconstructive microsurgeons at and oncology massage therapists. We are at

I hope that learning more about a few types of reconstructive surgery will make you more comfortable in seeing, supporting and caring for clients who have undergone these procedures.



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