Want to self-massage in between visits to your lymphatic massage therapist?

Watch these videos to get tips on self-massage after liposuction and BBL.

You'll see:

One thing to do BEFORE you start massaging that will let you get in deeper to massage the fibrotic areas.

The exact strokes I recommend.

How to use silicone cups on fibrosis.

How to use vibration on fibrosis.

What to add to your compression garment to fight back against fibrosis.

CAUTION! This is NOT a quick fix. I do NOT show any secret techniques. Please use the in combination with visits to a massage therapist trained in lymphatic massage.

Hi, I’m Kathleen Lisson

Kathleen Lisson is board certified in therapeutic massage and bodywork and is a Certified Lymphedema Therapist. She owns Solace Massage and Mindfulness, has taught classes at IPSB Massage College in San Diego, and is a NCBTMB Preferred Provider. She is the author of Plastic Surgery Recovery Handbook and holds a Bachelors of Applied Science degree in Massage Therapy.

I am currently under the care of a plastic surgeon and recieveing regular massage by a professional therapist. I understand that this class only shows simple massage techniques that I can use in between regular massage sessions. I will ask my plastic surgeon for their clearance and permission before I use any new massage techniques and compression or foam items.

fibrosis massage liposuction